Kto sme

Adresa našej webovej stránky je: https://www.ias-slovakia.sk.

I.A.S. o.z.

Údernícka 26

85101 Bratislava 5

Slovak Republic, EU



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Ak si neželáte mať svoju tvár na fotografiách na tejto internetovej stránke – napíšte nám – Vašu tvár ihneď vymažeme – alebo začiernime.

Kontaktné formuláre

Súbory cookies

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Ak máte na našej webovej stránke účet a prihlásite sa, uložíme dočasné súbory cookies na určenie toho, či váš prehliadač akceptuje súbory cookies. Tieto súbory cookies neobsahujú žiadne osobné údaje a sú zrušené pri zatvorení prehliadača.

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Vložený obsah z iných webových stránok

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Tieto webové stránky môžu o vás zbierať osobné údaje, používať súbory cookies, vkladať treťo-stranné sledovanie a monitorovať vašu interakciu s vloženým obsahom, včetne sledovania vašej interakcie s vloženým obsahom, ak na danej webovej stránke máte účet a ste prihlásený.


S kým zdieľame vaše údaje

s nikým

Ako dlho uchovávame vaše údaje

Pri pridávaní komentára, komentár a jeho metaúdaje sú uchovávané oddelene. Vďaka tomu vieme automaticky rozpoznať a schváliť akékoľvek súvisiace komentáre bez toho, aby museli byť podržané na moderáciu.

Pre používateľov, ktorí sa zaregistrujú na našich webových stránkach (ak takí existujú), ukladáme aj osobné údaje, ktoré poskytujú, do ich užívateľského profilu. Všetci používatelia môžu kedykoľvek zobraziť, upraviť alebo odstrániť svoje osobné údaje (okrem zmeny používateľského). Správcovia webových stránok tiež môžu zobraziť a upraviť tieto informácie.

Aké práva máte nad svojimi údajmi

Ak na tejto webovej stránke máte účet, alebo ste tu pridali komentár, môžete požiadať o export vašich osobných údajov, ktoré o vás ukladáme, včetne údajov, ktoré ste nám poskytli. Môžete tak isto požiadať o vymazanie osobných údajov. To sa ale netýka údajov, ktoré o vás musíme uchovávať z administratívnych, právnych alebo bezpečnostných dôvodov.

Kam posielame vaše údaje


Vaše kontaktné informácie

Dodatočné informácie

Ako chránime vaše údaje

Aké máme procesy pri úniku dát

Z akých tretích strán získavame údaje

Aké automatizované rozhodovanie (spracovanie) a/alebo profilovanie robíme s údajmi používateľa.

Požiadavky na zverejňovanie právnych predpisov v regulovanom odvetví


I.A.S. Store Terms of Use

Last updated: March 25, 2021

This is an agreement between you and I.A.S. (with its affiliates, „I.A.S.“, „we“ or „us“). Please read these I.A.S. I.A.S. Terms of Use and the other applicable rules, policies, and terms posted on the I.A.S..com website or the I.A.S. Store or provided with any Service (collectively, this „Agreement“) before purchasing or using any aspect of the Service. By using the I.A.S. Store, purchasing or using any I.A.S. Content, using any Reading Application, or using any aspect of the Service, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not accept the terms of this Agreement, then you may not use the I.A.S. Store, any I.A.S. Content, any Reading Application or the Service.

For the purposes of this Agreement:

„Content Provider“ means the party offering I.A.S. Content in the I.A.S. Store, which may be us or a third party.

„I.A.S. Content“ means digitized content obtained through the I.A.S. Store, such as books, newspapers, magazines, Periodicals and other content.

„I.A.S. Store“ means our stores, on Reading Applications and on our website, the homepage of which is located at .

„Periodicals“ means I.A.S. Content made available to you on a subscription basis, such as electronic newspapers, magazines, and other subscription-based content, except for I.A.S. Content made available through a I.A.S. Unlimited subscription.

„Service“ means the provision of the I.A.S. Store, I.A.S. Content, Software, and support and other services that we provide I.A.S. Store, I.A.S. Content, and Software users.

I.A.S. Content

Use of I.A.S. Content. Upon your download of I.A.S. Content and payment of any applicable fees (including applicable taxes), the Content Provider grants you a non-exclusive right to view, use, and display such I.A.S. Content an unlimited number of times, solely on the number of computer or other reading device and solely for your personal, non-commercial use. I.A.S. Content is licensed, not sold, to you by the Content Provider. The Content Provider may include additional terms for use within its I.A.S. Content. Those terms will also apply, but this Agreement will govern in the event of a conflict. Some I.A.S. Content, such as interactive or highly formatted content, may not be available to you on all Reading Applications.

Limitations. Unless specifically indicated otherwise, you may not sell, rent, lease, distribute, broadcast, sublicense, share with other persons or otherwise assign any rights to the I.A.S. Content or any portion of it to any third party, and you may not remove or modify any proprietary notices or labels on the I.A.S. Content. In addition, you may not attempt to bypass, modify, defeat, or otherwise circumvent any digital rights management system or other content protection or features used as part of the Service.

Book Returns and Subscription Cancellations Terminations. You may return a book you purchase from the I.A.S. Store or cancel your subscription to a Periodical as permitted in our return and cancellation policy in the I.A.S. Store. A subscription may be terminated at any time, for example, if a Periodical is no longer available. If a subscription is terminated before the end of its term, you will receive a prorated refund. We reserve the right to change Periodical subscription terms and fees from time to time, effective as of the beginning of the next subscription term.

Risk of Loss. Risk of loss for I.A.S. Content transfers when you download or access the I.A.S. Content. The secured personalized file with the e-book can be resent again in special cases such as a loss this file upon a special request.


Information Provided to I.A.S. Information provided to I.A.S. may be stored on servers outside the country in which you live. We will handle any information we receive in accordance with the I.A.S. GDPR rules.

Information Provided To Others. You are responsible for any information you provide to others using the Service. Use of information you provide to these third parties will be subject to any privacy notice or other terms that they may provide to you.

Termination. Your rights under this Agreement will automatically terminate if you fail to comply with any term of this Agreement. In case of such termination, you must cease all use of the Service, and I.A.S. may immediately revoke your access to the Service without refund of any fees. I.A.S.’s failure to insist upon or enforce your strict compliance with this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of any of its rights.

Changes to Service; Amendments. We may change, suspend, or discontinue the Service, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. We may amend any of this Agreement’s terms at our sole discretion by posting the revised terms on the I.A.S..com website. Your continued use of the Software or any aspect of the Service after the effective date of the revised Agreement terms constitutes your acceptance of the terms.

Disputes/Binding Arbitration. Any dispute or claim arising from or relating to this Agreement or the Service is subject to the binding governing law, disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability and all other terms of courts in the Slovak Republic, EU. You agree to those terms by entering into this Agreement, using the I.A.S. Store, purchasing or using I.A.S. Content, or using any aspect of the Service.

Limitation of Liability. Without limiting the Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability in no event will our or our software licensors‘ total liability to you for all damages (other than as may be required by applicable law in cases involving personal injury) arising out of or related to your use or inability to use the Software exceed the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00); and in no event will our or any other Content Provider’s aggregate liability to you for all damages arising from your use of the Service (excluding the Software) exceed the amount you actually paid for the I.A.S. Content or for the aspect of the Service related to your claim for damages. These limitations will apply to you even if the remedies fail of their essential purpose.

Contractual penalty. In case of the cancellation of the payment and the announcement of not using the personalized secured pdf file containing the e-book, the purchaser-client agrees to pay EUR 50.— (fifty EUR) contractual penalty to the “content provider”. The content provider can deduct this contractual penalty from the return payment for the e-book.

We are a nonprofit organization. Any income arising from any sale of electronically or otherwise printed material or from the provision of any services is exempt from VAT or income tax. E-book is a part of the provided program Urmium instruction and has to be considered as such.

Contact Information. For help with your Reading Application, the Service, the I.A.S. Store, I.A.S. Content, or resolving other issues, please contact Customer Service at office@ias-slovakia.sk.

For communications concerning this Agreement, please write to I.A.S., Attn: Legal Department, Udernicka 26, 85101 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, EU.